Positive Intelligence

Aging to Saging

The Aging to Saging program offers tailored support for individuals over 55, focusing on the unique challenges and opportunities of this life stage. It’s about transforming aging into a period of wisdom-building and personal growth.

For those who complete the PQ 7-week program, gain access to a specialized growth community for those over 55.

  • Guidance tailored to the experiences of those over 55: This program provides personalized guidance that acknowledges and addresses the specific experiences, challenges, and opportunities faced by individuals over 55.
  • Strategies for embracing aging as a journey of wisdom and growth: Get strategies to help you embrace aging not just as a biological process, but as an enriching journey of wisdom-building and personal growth.
  • A supportive community of peers: Join a community of peers who are also navigating this stage of life, offering a supportive and understanding environment for shared experiences and growth.
Jan 23, 2023

Want to Be a More Positive Leader?

If you’ve been a leader for any amount of time, you’ve likely faced the dilemma of wanting to be more positive than you actually felt inside. You’re not alone. Being upbeat and calm in the face of difficult situations is a challenge for all of us. It’s especially important for the impact you have on others.
Nov 15, 2022

Giving Thanks for Feedback

Exploring the benefits of effectively receiving feedback, highlighting the challenges posed by truth, relationship, and identity triggers, and offering strategies for overcoming these obstacles to improve personal and professional growth, relationships, and performance. The narrative encourages embracing a growth mindset and seeking out feedback to uncover blind spots and foster development.
Oct 30, 2022

Transform the Dreaded Drama Triangle

Introducing "The Power of TED*" by David Emerald as a guide to escaping the Drama Triangle of Victim, Rescuer, and Persecutor roles by adopting the empowering roles of Creator, Challenger, and Coach. The book provides a framework for taking responsibility for one's own actions and fostering positive, proactive change both internally and in interactions with others, aiming to replace dysfunction with empowerment and growth.

Meet Elaine and get started.

Embrace your sage years with the Aging to Saging program.

Elaine Morris