Executive Coaching

Capacity and Performance

In the dynamic world of leadership, the ability to manage increased responsibilities effectively is crucial. Increase Capacity and Performance Coaching focuses on enhancing your capabilities to handle complex challenges with efficiency and resilience. Get strategies and tools to improve performance, manage stress, and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Maximize your potential, elevate your performance

  • Techniques to boost productivity and manage workload effectively: Elaine offers practical ways to enhance your productivity, helping you manage your workload more efficiently and effectively.
  • Strategies for stress management and maintaining work-life harmony: This coaching includes strategies to manage stress with new practices and habits to achieve leading to a more balanced work-life dynamic. This will ensure your well-being is growing alongside your professional success.
  • Insights into personal effectiveness and performance enhancement: With improved self-awareness you will have insights that lead to new ways of operating that improve your personal effectiveness with people, creative projects, and overcoming obstacles.
Nov 15, 2022

Giving Thanks for Feedback

Exploring the benefits of effectively receiving feedback, highlighting the challenges posed by truth, relationship, and identity triggers, and offering strategies for overcoming these obstacles to improve personal and professional growth, relationships, and performance. The narrative encourages embracing a growth mindset and seeking out feedback to uncover blind spots and foster development.
Oct 30, 2022

Transform the Dreaded Drama Triangle

Introducing "The Power of TED*" by David Emerald as a guide to escaping the Drama Triangle of Victim, Rescuer, and Persecutor roles by adopting the empowering roles of Creator, Challenger, and Coach. The book provides a framework for taking responsibility for one's own actions and fostering positive, proactive change both internally and in interactions with others, aiming to replace dysfunction with empowerment and growth.
Sep 19, 2022

Charting Your Life Journey

Sharing a personal story of moving to a new home and the unexpected challenges encountered, emphasizing the importance of listening to candid feedback from friends and the invaluable support they offer during stressful transitions. The narrative also touches on the significance of having people who can provide honest feedback for leaders to avoid "CEO disease" and make informed decisions.

Meet Elaine and get started.

Elaine Morris